We provide a forum for governance experts and service providers to share their experiences, insights and best practice recommendations on a wide range of critical issues, from corruption, internal investigations, e-discovery and records management to succession planning, executive compensation, proxy actions and shareholder engagement. Governance Intelligence is independently owned and continues to serve a vital role in highlighting the achievements and expertise of a group of people who work outside the spotlight and are often isolated as the only individuals in their organization focusing on these complex matters.
We can help you:
Build your marketing content and proposition into the right conversations with the right audience at the right time
Showcase your thought leadership credentials with engaged, responsive audiences
Generate a consistent pipeline of leads for your sales teams
Achieve meaningful engagement with some of the industry's most influential decision-makers
Position your brand and services as a key partner to governance teams
Create compelling stories around your brand with headline-worthy research and analysis
Offer you unrivalled face-to-face access to qualified decision makers, all keen to further enhance their programme
Share your brand stories, content and conversations with our 20,000 registered members, 12,000 monthly website users and 10,000 followers on social media