Previous pages in this report show the importance of investor feedback for IROs when measuring the success of their IR program. In gaining insight from the investment community, IROs depend mostly on informal discussions with investors. Approaching eight in 10 IROs say they rely on such discussions a lot in evaluating IR performance, while just 1 percent do not rely on them at all. Communication with brokers joins informal conversations with investors as the two clearly most relied-upon means of getting feedback on IR. Half of IROs globally rely a lot on the views of brokers when assessing the value of their IR program, with a further 41 percent saying they rely on brokers a little. Investor perception studies, either by a third party or commissioned in-house, are relied upon to some degree by a majority of IR professionals. Just 7 percent rely a lot on IR firms to gauge investor opinion, while 63 percent of IROs say they do not rely on IR firms at all.