What’s the top thing you’re looking for in this year’s nominations?
With Annual Reports, I aim to understand a company’s uniqueness, value creation, strengths, and risks. The report should present a tailored business model, strategy, and an honest discussion of risks and mitigations, along with clear assessments of viability and governance that show impact.
ESG reports are harder to assess since they lack the common structure of Annual Reports and vary greatly in content. These reports must clearly present the company’s ESG materiality and strategy, reflecting the most important topics to ensure authenticity and relevance. If you’re not telling the reader what you think are your most important ESG topics, how do they know whether the content of the report is authentic and relevant or whether it’s just the things that you want them to see?
For websites, I’d trade some videos and animations for simple, clear navigation that lets the reader control their journey. Companies that combine reader control with focused digital tools stand out.
Lastly, a small request for award entries: please include a link to the report or website being submitted. It makes the judges’ job easier!