After more than a year of experiencing these changes to working practices, both investors and IROs are in a position to assess what impact these changes will continue to have after the Covid-19 pandemic. Nearly eight in 10 respondents believe the increase in virtual meetings and events will continue to have at least a moderate effect post-pandemic, with 42 percent saying it will have a large or extreme impact. The impact of less travel is also expected to continue after the pandemic, with more than a third of IROs and investors believing this will have a large or extreme impact and just over one in 10 anticipating it will have no impact. The issue of remote working is expected to have less of an impact in the future than travel reductions or the increase in virtual engagement. As many investors and IROs think that increased workload will have no impact as think it will have a large or extreme impact. More than four in 10 think changes to reporting and guidance will have no impact, while just 8 percent believe this will have a large impact.