In our latest survey of IR professionals, we asked respondents to list the key challenges they faced in their work in 2022 and what key challenges they anticipated in the year ahead. The questions we asked were open comment, allowing respondents to share their views and professional opinions on the subject matter.We then categorized each response according to the subject and focus of the challenge. For example, if the subject of the challenge was ‘targeting’, this would be categorized as an investor-related challenge. Similarly, ‘share price’ would be a market-related challenge, ‘inflation’ a macroeconomic challenge and ‘budget’ a challenge related to internal resources.We also asked IROs to rank in order of priority their key goals for 2023, giving their top five priorities from a list of nine objectives. We further identified whether IR heads or IROs had bonuses attached to the performance of these objectives.Research for the IR Magazine Global IR Survey was conducted during Q4 2022 and Q1 2023. The findings in this report are broken down using the key regions of North America, Europe and Asia, as well as by market cap and industry sector. For the purposes of this report, market cap size is defined as follows: