What is in the report?
IR has become increasingly reliant on the application of various technological tools. Changes to working practices as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic have in some areas exacerbated this reliance: how investor relations teams currently operate would not be possible without these tools.
This report examines what technological tools IROs use in their work and how this has changed since our last report on technology two years ago. It also looks at how satisfied IROs are with these tools and what they consider to be the key benefits and challenges in using them. We further examine changes to IR technology budgets over the past two years.
Findings from this report are taken from IR Magazine’s Global IR Survey, conducted in Q3 2020. Data is presented globally and also broken down by geographical region and market cap size. For the purposes of this report, the regions are North America, Europe and Asia, while market cap is categorized as follows:
Introduction IR technology spend Increase in use Newswires Targeting tools